Akshobhya Buddha

Akshobhya Buddha is one of the five Dhyani Buddhas who represents consciousness as an aspect of reality. In Chinese, he is called Ah-Chu-For. In Japanese, he is called Ashuku Nyoral and In Tibetan, he is called Mi Kyu Pa, or Sang Gye.
According to the scripture, Akobhyavyha Sutra, it is written that a monk wished to practice the Dharma and made a vow- not to feel angry or disgust at another being and he will manage anger appropriately. When he succeeded, he became Buddha Akshobya, an immovable one. He was given charge over the eastern paradise Abhirati Pure Land (the land of Joyous). It is believed that those who are reborn in this Pure Land will not be born in lower realms of consciousness and are never to be born again. In the Akshobhya sutra, it is also mentioned that the Buddha Shakyamuni, himself praised the patience of Akshobhya and making his determination a reality.
The Antique Buddha Statue of Akshobhya is usually depicted in blue color but sometimes it is used gold as well. The blue color symbolizes the color of clear water that reflects the things as they are like the mirror. The object in a mirror neither sticks to the mirror nor repels it. The mirror always stands calm and rigid whatever may be the object; ugly or beautiful. This is exactly what the Buddha Akshobhya symbolizes for. He is like a clear mirror-like wisdom which can alter any anger and clean stiff feelings that one has. He is also shown with Lochana, his consort and the image of Akshobhya is usually accompanied by two elephants. His attributes include three robes, the bell, and staff, along with a jewel, sword, and prayer wheel. The Bija of Akshobya is Hum.
He is located in the eastern part of Diamond Realm and is the lord of Abhirati Pure Land which is located in Eastern direction. The images.
The Buddha statue and image of Akshobhya is shown with a Bhumisparsha mudra, (earth-touching gesture). It is done with the fingertips of his right hand. This gesture shows confidence, deep-rootedness, and determination. He holds double vajra by his left hand. A Vajra is the symbol of shunyata or emptiness.
Akshobhya Buddha belongs to Vajra family which is associated with the element of water. Hence, the two colors of Vajra are blue, like the depths of the ocean or white, like sun reflecting off the water. Even if the water in the surface of the ocean flows as crashing waves, the water in the depth of the ocean remains undisturbed. And water may seem weightless but in reality, it is extremely heavy. Another important aspect of water is- it flows into the lowest place and settles there. While flowing, it carves calmly through solid rock without any violence. It is hard, sharp and clear like the intellect when it is frozen but to reach its full potential, it must be fluid and adaptable like a river. These above mentioned qualities are also possessed by Akshobhya Buddha.
Akshobhya meditation extricates the practitioner him or herself from the fear of inauspicious rebirth and also it helps others as well if the meditation is dedicated to them. When the person recites one-hundred-thousand of his long Dhyani mantra and creating an image of him, certainly he/she will have positive vibes. Akshobhya promised that these positive vibes that are generated could be dedicated to another person even if he/she is deceased and would be assured of release from lower states of existence and rebirth in spiritually fortunate circumstances. It is also believed that when a person meditates concentrating Akshobhya Buddha, he will develop the power to overcome the negative emotions like anger and hatred towards other beings. The long version of Akshobhya mantra to purity all negative karma is:
- Om Kamkani Kamkani,
- Trasani Trasani,
- Namo Ratna Trayaya,
- Trotrani Trotrani,
- Rotsani Rotsani
- Pratihana Pratihana
Sarva Karma Param Para Nime Sarva Sato Nantsa Svaha
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