Amoghasiddhi Buddha

In Vajrayana Tradition, Amoghasiddhi Buddha is one of the Five Dhyani Buddha which was created by Adhi Buddha. Literally, Amoghasiddhi means infallible - amogha and success- siddh. Thus, Amoghasiddhi means getting success without any failure. In Tibet, Amoghasiddhi Buddha is also called by the name Sangay Donyotrubpa. The word danyod means "meaningful" and trubpa means "accomplishment". In Chinese, he is called as Chengjiu Rulai. In Japanese, he is Fukujoju Nyorai and in Vietnamese, he is BatKhong Thanh Tuu Nhu Lai.
Amoghsiddhi is depicted through green color in artwork and faces the northern direction in the Chaitya, Buddha statue representing Five Dhyani Buddha. The symbol of Amoghasiddhi is the moon and is associated with the air/ wind element. He is the lord of the Prakuta Pure Land which is located in northern direction. He represents the cosmic element of conformation. The Viswa vajra which he holds represents that there is nothing in any direction that Amoghasiddhi cannot accomplish. The double vajra is also carved in the base Antique Buddha Statue of Amoghasiddhi, this represents the completion and consecration of the piece. His meditative syllable is Ah and his vehicle is Garuda. His consort is Green Tara and it is believed that by focusing on Amoghsiddhi while meditating, it helps to overcome negative emotions like envy and jealousy. In one of the sutra, it is mentioned that Devadatta, an envious cousin of Amoghasiddhi released a rampaging elephant into the Buddha’s path. The motive behind this act was to murder the Buddha. But Amoghasiddhi simply raised his mudra calming the beast, presenting both fearlessness and defeating envy. This act portrays that one who believes and follows his path sincerely has the capability to present oneself in any condition confidently and also has skills to manage the negative emotions.
Buddha statues and images of Amoghsiddhi generally shown in Abhaya mudra (fearlessness gesture). The mudra symbolizes peace, protection, and the relieving of all fear. The mudra also portrays calmness to all the senses. It is believed that when a person sits in Abhaya mudra, his/her negative emotions like envy and jealousy transformed into wisdom.
Amoghasiddhi is also associated with the conceptual mind. He helps to achieve Buddha path by pacifying the evils underneath.
Amoghasiddhi Buddha belongs to the family Karma which is symbolized by a sword. Compared to another family, karma is the most efficient and active family. Literally, karma means action. Even though the color of this family is green but the mood resembles that of dusk. The karma family likes to functional and timely. They are pragmatic and have a tendency towards competition. The negative emotion of karma family is restlessness, envy, and jealousy. The Karma family believes that first step in loosening grasp of negative emotions is to recognize the negative emotions in its form. When one recognizes it then he/she can be less competitive, envious, and jealous and one can work out to manage these negative emotions. It is believed that this is the beginning of all accomplishing action.
There are several giant Buddha statues established across Southeast Asia but Antique Buddha Statue established in Borobudur, a Mahayana Buddhist Temple, built in Mageland, Central java, Indonesia, is the world's largest Buddhist temple. The temple's interior architectural design consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circulars, topped by a central dome. The temple has 2672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues placed inside the stupa. In this temple, we can find Antique Buddha Statue of Amoghasiddhi.
Another impressive giant Buddha statue of Amoghasiddhi is located on Lantau Island. This statue is made up of bronze which is now 21 years old and is called Tian Tian Buddha. This Buddha statue is also referred to as Big Buddha due to his size.
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